Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mushihimesama Futari and Deathsmiles obtained!

After buying Eschatos from Games on Demand, it seemed that there were two more to buy like I already purchased yesterday. But when I went to Games on Demand section from Xbox Live Marketplace to get those two games, another one, Espgaluda II was recently released in March 6th. That was one day before Dodonpachi Maximum was released.

Furthermore, I went to the arcade to play the same game again and now there are four machines compared to two the other time. What a game clustering in case the buttons refusing to work usually one day and nowadays, the redundancy power has risen. So I played three of the songs from the January update as well as one of the songs from February update. The February update was none other than the pack of songs from Project Diva 2nd. Even if you have that game, the beatmaps are different between the arcade and PSP versions. Unfortunately, I felt nervous to play that song in Extreme mode from that February update so I decided to try it in Hard Mode as I can’t even clear this song in Project Diva Extend in Extreme Mode. Well, I keep on failing that because it’s way impossible for me in Extreme Mode but at least I can clear it in Hard Mode.

For Mushihimesama Futari in Ultra Mode, I even attempted it with highest amount of lives and bombs and I keep on spamming bombs on shit I can’t even dodge. This is one mode that will kick your ass in seconds and even I’m not an expert in this genre. So hard that that IAP faggot who presented with me can go and troll on that difficulty mode like she’s going to say stupid things like, ‘We don’t want so many bullets/dots.’, ‘We don’t want the game that is so difficult.’, ‘Playing simple games is better’, etc. Perhaps I can take her for a difficulty-fag and she can go back to play casual games after February 10th. As my case study presentation was successful, she deserves to repeat anyway next month.

So remember, visual and motion simplification is a test of limits by the way. You don’t want to see the games with the interface being too simple.