Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sound Voltex gameplay report at Century Square (Controversial trip?)

I may be lucky that I still prefer the Virtualand arcade at Bugis Junction than anywhere else as that place has all the Bemani games available there and especially that certain critical games are the latest. However, this was a request I shouldn't heed in the first place like having both lunch and dinner at Century Square with my aunts and uncles along with some home idiot related to them and during that time, I headed to the arcades there to find that there wasn't so much non-stop grinding whatsoever for rhythm games.
Progress-wise, there had been additional songs that were from Bemani X Touhou album CD as well as the upcoming Museca which is a controversial rip-off of Neon.FM. Those illustrated skill cards in Museca have different purposes and information that help during gameplay. Of course, those songs are already available by default and especially that they are already available in certain courses depending on the game. For Beatmania IIDX, there's already a Touhou course at Expert Mode. For Sound Voltex, some of the Skill Analyzer courses have some Touhou arranges from that album CD. I don't know much about other Bemani games so I don't know what their courses look like if there's a mode that's akin to IIDX Expert Mode. Lastly, the Virtualand arcade at Century Square was updated again with Maimai machines added and some old games were gone in favor of those active ones so the Beatmania IIDX Resort Anthem machine was moved elsewhere or some sort as we already know that IIDX Pendual is the current one.
Irritating thing is, I really feel uncomfortable with those idiots at home being with other families  related to us and it may look like they never admit their past offensive mistakes done to me back then. Thankfully, they don't know on where am I going at Bugis Junction like they don't know that there's a bigger arcade center there but the thing is, they don't have to know. I may worry that if they know that I'm there at Bugis Junction, I may imagine that they may make stupid guesses about where am I going there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Qpronicle Chord and Step Up Mode controversies & Beatmania IIDX Copula

What the hell is up with Konami nowadays? This is what already happens when Konami goes way too far in milking the Beatmania IIDX series like that. The storylines in Qpronicle Chord and Step Up Mode in IIDX Pendual are already controversial from what I saw as if they are designed to make your Qpro avatar look like a spoilt nerd like he wants to have a hot spring with those boss characters from previous IIDX games or something that has angered one of the former boss characters who happens to be teaming up with him that she has blasted him out of the sky like she does that to you in her boss song when you make a mistake.
I may have liked Beatmania IIDX series because it comes out the earliest way before the rip-offs exist but the series as I know it is already made a little bit controversial. Beatmania IIDX Spada has already made things way out of place but the real controversy obviously takes place in Beatmania IIDX Pendual.
And who knows if Beatmania IIDX Copula won't have the same controversy or not but it seems that it is using the Train theme which is another out of place theme for rhythm game genre. Beatmania IIDX Gold and Resort Anthem fit well but I think the most out of place theme is Beatmania IIDX Spada anyway.
What's backported to IIDX Pendual is the Super Future 2323 as well as some songs from the upcoming sequel to celebrate the location testing of it although they're lazy enough not to make the UI completely yellow-ish. Nobody knows what the sequel is like until it is out but from what I saw, it will have Assist Easy which makes clearing requirement less strict and is useful in case there are killer patterns in the end as well as the Hell Charge Notes which may make people probably think of O2Jam or the BMS Charge Note courses. As the name suggests, it is already making hold note patterns more brutal but this is the challenge you should have in the future instead of using various options like Assist Easy and Expand Judge which stink and Expand Judge stinks even more like it tries to attract more players coming from various rip-off games in an useless way.

Adobe Flash security controversy

The criticism has been pushing Adobe away in a serious chain of sadness and disgrace like they're lazy enough to solve all of that security criticism in their products. So, to me, it may look like Adobe is seriously idiotic when it comes to cyber-security importance. Of course, they can't be as stupid as some US ISPs out there for purposing invading their customers' privacy on their accord like it's a sign of betrayal for those who are seeking proper privacy.
The recent reason on why Adobe Flash would be blocked in all versions of Firefox including Facebook and YouTube was obviously involving the security exploit implemented by The Hacking Team. Maybe, there should be a serious investigation on The Hacking Team after their illegal stuffs were completely compromised like it already opened doors to more illegal spying bullshit and more cyber-criminals who want to get their hands on those leaked tools for whatever purposes they want without caring for anything else.
However, the blockage of Adobe Flash may involve another controversy like many people need to watch videos or play social games on Facebook. It may be a problem there but for videos, Facebook can straight away use the HTML 5 technology like what YouTube already uses. Hell, even Twitter needs to switch to HTML 5 for videos as well.
So, do you put the blame on Adobe, The Hacking Team or perhaps both for how extremely weak the Adobe Flash security is? It is likely that you may put the blame on Adobe for that serious weakness. So what, is our computer completely infected because of that?

Firefox for Windows 10

Firefox on Windows 8 was put on hold for some unknown reasons but the upcoming Windows 10 version is likely to do things better like it can be on par with Microsoft Edge and Android version of Google Chrome. I guess that this is what the web browser for both tablet and desktop users should have been in the modern form. Firefox on Android has the similar interface design to the desktop version but I assume that Google Chrome on Android has the most amount of interface functionality that may be exactly on par with the desktop version. Improvements are improvements and I don't know if Firefox for Windows 10 will have the same exact amount of functionality as the desktop version and Microsoft Edge or not like you can switch and move tabs for instance in addition to having addons.
Speaking of add-ons, I don't know if Firefox for Windows 10 will have the same exact amount of add-ons as the desktop version but this is something I'm not sure of as the modern version of Firefox for Windows 10 is on the modern form, the same form Microsoft Edge uses.
Another essential feature is that you can get custom skins for Firefox Windows 10 version unlike the Android version where you're not able to do so. That fixes the minor flaws involving the top-right buttons by removing the fill and line colors completely, leaving the icons intact.
However, this was all revealed by Mozilla as the design mockup and who knows if our prediction is fulfilled. Addons, common interface and the custom skin are the essential things for Windows 10 version of Firefox.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Instant messaging apps could be monitored in UK under new Snoop law

Here's another controversy that you may want to deal with but it's going to be a serious challenge if you want to prevent this from being under effect next year in the future. The reason on why fighting for proper privacy is getting tougher is probably due to the fact that there may be tons of supporters, recruiters and inspired trashes of some most extremely dangerous te******* group I'm not going to mention here. It may be that that group has been doing all the destructive activities and even organizing recruitment plans with the help of their supporters around the globe in recruiting those to join them. This kind of extreme conspirational activity is not allowed and it may have been the reasons on why such kinds of bills like this are being planned on monitoring whichever targeted nation to detect those baddies who are trying to blow shit up for instance. It is good for agencies and militaries to fight te******m but the downside of doing this through all that cyber-monitoring is the privacy violation. What else is new to mention here? How many times do I have to mention these security pros and cons here?
The contract with five companies was a controversial one when it came to monitoring social media presence and under this new upcoming law, the instant messaging apps are likely to be monitored with the data logs to be kept for a year. However, the encryption of those apps poses the difficulty of cyber-monitoring that those companies are asked to make provisions or their apps and services will be banned. Also, having encryption too strong like that may open doors to all kinds of bad guys who can make it through unnoticed with that strong amount of security power as the excuse. This kind of downside shouldn't be allowed as well and it may be why there should be an option to disable encryption on the device that belongs to the victim or the criminal upon request.
Having equal fairness to both company and government side is an important thing when it comes to stronger security. That should drive us, better freedom and privacy, not some illegal shit.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Hacking Team compromised by unknown group of attackers

The source of giant controversy is there at the company named The Hacking Team. It's an Italian firm that supplies surveillance tools to various governments for the sake of cyber-spying on civilians which is already considered illegal in the first place by the security experts. Tech customers who feel that they are compromised because of this are not happy about that ever since they found out the cyber-spying thing two years ago. Even the tech companies are concerned about that because the cyber-spying thing has gone way too far that they have decided to increase security on their services and products that challenges the hell out of it.
Some unknown group of attackers must have cyber-penetrated that company and there may be concerns for security experts that the group of attackers had made nearly 400GB of internal data public. I guess that the data may consists of documents, tools and other kinds of data but should such confidential data and tools be made public like that, it can worsen the security even more once they are used by other cyber-criminals or maybe the same ones from that group. Nobody knows the plans until it has become a news but it is obviously WRONG for one group of cyber-attackers to share the tools of cyber-penetrations whether those tools are theirs or stolen to other groups or maybe the public! Illegal stuffs that compromise security should be investigated, not shared or delivered! Nobody makes a news article about things like that!
And on top of that, the cyber-delivery process of those tools is done through torrent which is some technical technique genuine stuff seekers don't use. Also, since the cyber-spying thing is still on-going, it is obviously attracting more of those cyber-attackers and whistleblowers who are figuring out to expose those illegal practices. The worse thing was that The Hacking Team might have collaborated with many of the companies and agencies nearly around the globe into starting that practice probably due to those on-going situations each country knows of.
Of course, it may be off-topic to talk about what has been going on in one specific country that causes those kinds of practices above to happen. Not to mention that certain sagas are highly controversial that may have angered everyone since day one.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Spyware extension silently installed on Chromium

A mysterious extension installed on Chromium silently listens in to whatever the user is doing on Chromium according to some reports from the security experts and researchers. Google was already aware of this situation and they confirmed that it was Debian's responsibility and reason that the extension was installed without concern because it is a security problem related to privacy. It might affect the users using the Chromium-based web browsers on Debian and Debian-based OSes. Also, it might seem that Chromium itself is not a Google product but then, Google Chrome itself is pretty much based on Chromium and they still have the hands on that technology. The origin of that doesn't belong to Google however.
The only solution will be to disable the microphone and camera on the computer or use other web browsers on the Debian and Debian-based OSes.

Microsoft map technology sold to Uber

Yahoo and Google search happened to have improved security by making HTTPS as the default protocol but the better news is that Microsoft sold the map technology to Uber that they decided to stop collecting data information when searching for locations in Bing search. However, the controversy still continues with Uber and I don't know if this move will make things worse or better. Also, the Bing search might have the HTTPS mode as well but when going through alone, it doesn't seem to bring us to the HTTPS mode by default. I guess that Google and Yahoo search automatically bring you to HTTPS mode by default but I may expect that Microsoft should make HTTPS mode the default protocol for Bing search in the future as soon as possible for improved security.

Net Neutrality in Europe update

Like in the US, the net neutrality in Europe was previously passed so that the over-charging crap or any other crap was banned such as the bad roaming charges but the disturbance started again that the Net Neutrality was not in effect recently anymore or something. It's an endless battle for freedom and equal fairness to the internet when it comes to net neutrality.
Of course, the net neutrality is obviously important in general and it is more important in the US probably due to some terrible US ISP's on-going evil technical actions. There were controversial examples stated in the news like changing the customers' names to simply insult the hell out of them, charging customers for whatever stuffs they didn't even own or subscribe to, slowing down the bandwidth via bandwidth throttling in which some US ISPs were caught and fined for doing that recently and of course, the privacy violation actions done by the ISPs themselves in various ways. Normally, no ISPs or companies dare to do such things but if someone from some company does that, it's an abrupt termination of his/her job under normal but simple company rule. But in case of corporate corruption, it may be difficult to find the culprit behind the evil corporate ideas as if the manipulation is strong.
There's really not much to say about what's going to happen elsewhere when it comes to net neutrality but the situation is somewhat the same. The only new things to say here were like the ISPs were not happy about net neutrality under effect for instance or maybe other bad stuffs the ISPs had done like the ones above. Again, no companies may try to do bad technical things to their customers like that. It's a serious responsiblity to keep the services as respectful as possible because anything technically disrespectful will be considered controversial and actions will take some time to be taken against bad situations like that.