Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome to Windows 8 Consumer Preview but in screwed up way

The Developer Preview might seem to be the impressive opportunity for me to try it last year but the following problems occurred from there. The charm bar as in Consumer Preview was missing and I still can’t snap things like that even in Consumer Preview. Also, you couldn’t even close the apps unless you use the freaking Task Manager to do it which is something you do not want when it comes to Metro experience.

Then, things were starting to get corrupted on me such as the Start Screen not showing things up in Developer Preview and unpinned apps couldn’t be pinned back or shown in the Apps search. Also, the Control Panel was so blanky looking than colorful in Developer Preview and interactivity in Internet Explorer 10 and Control Panel was animation-less. Even in Consumer Preview, I still can’t move the tabs in IE 10 Metro version.

Now, about the Consumer Preview, the boot screen looks kind of distorted but that looks okay on my Acer PC which is widescreen. Then, what the heck is up with the boot screen symbol as well as the texture-less polygonal betta fish? You know, why don’t you illustrate an artwork with bosses and boss backgrounds from Darius Burst and then use that artwork as the new wallpaper? That should be better that way or it may look like we’re being brought back to the past to play the 3D games with texture-less polygonal graphics.

The real disappointing side in Consumer Preview is that you have to move the mouse all the way to the corner to do the next interaction. The task switching by dragging is there but there’s also a Metro taskbar on the left which can be difficult for users to explain with. The right side is another real downside as you have to go to the top-right or bottom-right corner to bring the freaking charm bar. Also, what’s up with dragging the app task from the top side of the screen? Surely, that looks idea-less to me. At least, some problems are solvable with the tablet devices but I don’t know if the Metro task snapping is there or not. In theory, there should be for tablet devices.

Last problem, is there a reason on why they slacked on the Xbox 360 powered apps on Windows 8 like I can’t even connect to my console directly with those apps? Hmm, it’s not okay for laptop and desktop users like me for Consumer Preview. What kind of music were they listening to? That was a sign of the screw-up in the Music apps section. Also, the boot time is kind of worsened or something.

I guess that this is an unacceptable beta version of Windows 8 for desktop and laptop users. The release candidate of Windows 7 was enjoyable enough to me so is the developer preview version.