Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dreamy Theater Extend

Wow, looks like Sega AM2 must be more freaking busy than ever. After various concerts in March, they now have games to work on like Project Diva F for Playstation Vita, Dreamy Theater F for Playstation 3 and Dreamy Theater Extend for Playstation 3. Well, it is no surprise that Sega AM2 is announcing Dreamy Theater Extend for Playstation 3 that allows songs from Project Diva Extend to be played. From what we know, certain things from Project Diva Extend are not likely to be imported to Dreamy Theater 2nd as it doesn’t work that way. Instead, there’s upcoming Dreamy Theater Extend in which Dreamy Theater 2nd is already an expansion to the first in terms of number of songs as a bonus so you can play the songs from the first in addition to the second. If Dreamy Theater Extend unlocks the songs from both 1st and 2nd, that will be the good extension you can get to save costs unlike Project Diva Extend on the PSP whose expansion power lies with save data and game collection. There is nothing else to extend on but if there’s a Link Disc feature, that would the best way Project Diva Extend could extend in the first place like linking Project Diva Extend with 2nd for additional songs.

So far, two of the songs from Project Diva Extend were already done in HD in Project Diva Arcade but it seems that the best songs from the series will be put in the arcade version for sure.