A new music service to replace Zune? Well, it was a shame on Microsoft for having the Zune franchise exclusive to the westernized countries that we were not able to experience the media experience using the Zune service. I probably might want that as well but can the Xbox Music service be available globally for equal fairness? Previously, you can use the Zune Player on your computer to connect to your Windows Phone devices which might be kind of late compared to the use of ITunes for your IOS device and your computer for early and regular connection. Rather than having Zune for your Xbox 360 console, the Xbox series may have gone into other things besides being gaming related. Not only you can listen to the music, view photos and watch videos powered by Xbox Live service, but also play games on other devices powered by that same service. It should be everywhere on your Windows Phone devices, Windows tablets, Windows 8 and Xbox 360. Hopefully, the Xbox Live service should be able to match the ITunes service entirely and globally. You know, the ITunes service today already has enough fairness and popularity but the Zune devices were what we were not able to try because they were not available. Compared to Windows Media Center on Xbox 360, the usage of Music, Pictures and Videos apps on it are kind of easier to access the data taken from the computers via easy connectivity, leaving WMC on Xbox 360 to be crippled compared to using WMC on the computer.