Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mushihimesama Futari Black Label on IOS

Wow, Black Label edition, really? Yes, otherwise, things will not be perfectly the same as the Xbox 360 version as the Xbox 360 version apparently has Black Label mode as the DLC. However, what’s new in the IOS version of Black Label edition is that there will be Lock-On Boss Rush Mode. Not only you have to fight the bosses from this game, but also the bosses from the prequel. Wow, fighting the prequel’s bosses with this game’s weapon set? That surely sounds like the Cave Lock-On technology for Boss Rush mode so it can’t be the same for the whole game itself. However, there’s a grading system that is somewhat comparable to Tetris The Grand Master series. So if you play well, you will deserve higher grades so I assume that I won’t have such kind of higher grades due to getting my ass kicked a lot in further parts of the game. This may be similar to buying Dodonpachi Resurrection Black Label for Xbox 360 where you can get the Arrange Mode for that edition instead of buying the DLC for the original version which is Ver 1.5. It’s a shame that they have to decrease the graphical quality of Black Label edition of Dodonpachi Resurrection though and especially for Arrange Mode where-else the Arrange A of Ver 1.5 game surely has better looking laser beam as well as better looking Hyper weapons. In Arrange B, almost all the effects are made translucent which is as nice as Mushihimesama Arrange Mode on Playstation 2.