Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ITFreetraining with

You know, I might have followed most of the videos from that YouTube Channel that I made major progress to the server configuration in addition to following the videos and notes from Microsoft Virtual Academy website. Sure, I have been doing this but nowadays, it appears that my older computer running Windows Server has been like without internet connection due to some policy or firewall preventing the internet connectivity. The only connectivity left is the local network connectivity and that is like a disaster to the private cloud. What was I configuring back then that caused this problem?
Then there was a video of signing up for the public domain that you can connect your local domains to. is unfortunately one of the choices ITFreetraining has made but you don't have to go to that site to register for one public domain. There are other sites out there that will allow you to do the same. It may be for the sake of free online education from ITFreetraining but you may be hoping that they should be teaching you more on Microsoft certified courses instead.
The reason for blogging about this is regarding the past serious controversies of That company was like one of the supporters of the crappy law we already defeated two years ago. They said that they will support some other law in the future when found to be appropriate enough but we don't know if that new law will be as stupid as ever or something that violates the customers' freedom. And if you supported that crappy law we defeated in January 18th two years ago, that would be a complete slap on your corrupted business face!