OK, I might have stopped using my Microsoft account for the blogs but this leakage, Alex Kibkalo, is like the garbage in knowing the security and privacy that he leaked the fuck out of Windows 8 codes. It is truly unreasonable and unforgivable when Microsoft did not go against the customers with their Windows 8 product in terms of privacy thingy. Sure, the Kinect 2.0 device will not be used against privacy as Microsoft swore because they're already pledging to protect their customers by encrypting their services.
It might be wrong to leak out the products that were still in development but Alex had the guts to verify with Microsoft using the same account owned by the company to see if things were genuine before he leaked the fuck out of them.
Keygen is something Microsoft feared as it might be expensive to patch that it could result in millions in lost revenue.
Sure, Microsoft had looked through the accounts in Hotmail service to find the source of the leaks but it was wrong to start the investigation like that technically without the warrant.
Next was that Alex Kibkalo was recently working in another company but they didn't know about the damages done to Microsoft until he was then suspended from his current job. Not only were the Windows 8 codes leaked but also the Microsoft Activation Server SDK which would open doors to piracy. Speaking of that company he was working at, it is about selling virtualization products based on Hyper-V. Of course, the pre-release leaks are like everywhere and Microsoft is trying to take down sites that contain those leaks.
You know, I had already blogged about the Windows 8 stuffs back then based on the articles from Building Windows 8 website, but I guess that this is obviously too late to undo the damages done to Microsoft.