Saturday, March 15, 2014

Better technology rules for privacy needed according to Bill Gates

Seems that Facebook isn't the only one to buy WhatsApp. Other companies like Microsoft and Google, etc are likely to buy that service. Google buying WhatsApp to me is like making things even worse against the privacy as if they may be forced by the spying agenices to insert those stupid vulnerabilities. No, don't let that happen! YouTube was already screwed up with the Content ID claim disaster and the Google Plus is some service nobody uses and buying WhatsApp like that is even worse as if your god-damn Google account is needed.
Speaking of privacy concerns, Bill Gates will need better rules for technology to see which ones are private or public. Also, he may have said that Snowden should have questioned the government about the on-going spying in other ways but what's the point when people think that the government is somewhat part of that spying-saga as well. There may be those working there trying to support the bad bills but there are also those who try to oppose them.
Until the time the super encryption from Microsoft is implemented, you should be trying Telegram instead for secure messaging.