Thursday, July 9, 2020

Windows 12 Lite Controversy Part Two

Well, I made a tweet to Michael MJD and Billy Coore and MJD put his plan in motion in making a video about Windows 12 Lite with my tweet being used in it. From the same online store where Windows 12 Lite could be bought, there's even the computer that will be pre-loaded with multiple OSes including Windows 12 Lite as well as the phone with such a political reference I won't dare to mention here. The site itself is more or less a scam and so is the Windows 12 Lite website itself although the product name on the latter website was changed to WiinZoom 12 Lite/+Lite but other than the description change, the screenshots weren't changed whatsoever.

Windows 12 - The Bizarre OS You've Never Heard Of by Michael MJD

I guess that Microsoft found out about this or maybe the backlash might or might not have happened that the person who did this counterfeit Windows 12 stuff must have changed the website description of it. I guess that if the number of modification to Linux Lite was small when compared to original state of Linux Lite when you try to compare the package lists of the two as well as the themes, then, I assume that that may seem like a disappointing way to make an OS based on Linux Lite. Plus, it may seem risky for Michael MJD to make the ISO image of Windows 12 Lite available for free download as Microsoft will find out about it just like they found out about the Ninjutsu OS.