Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Ninjutsu OS Controversy

It's really unbelievable that someone would come up with the modified Windows OS that offers tons of penetration tools that makes it the answer to Kali Linux. Penetration Tools being that OS' specialization is what causes a bigger controversy in addition to the other tools and software that are bundled with it including the 3rd-party media players, 3rd-party web browsers, terminal software and the list goes on. I don't condone the penetration actions or tools as anyone can use them for whatever nefarious purposes but there's a weird reason on why the customized OS was issued the DMCA.
The claimed problem is that the OS has a couple of 3rd-party tools that add/remove Windows features with pre-removal of Windows features as part of privacy protection being copyright violation.

From what I saw of the video, there happens to be a post-startup script that disables various services, removes various apps and features as well as installs various features like Hyper-V, WSL, etc. The top part may look like RocketDock or some sort containing tons of penetration tools but again, I do not condone penetration stuff when it comes to cyber-security that the modified Windows OS itself is more questionable than the removal of Windows features as part of the script.
Another real questionable thing is the unofficial GUI skin as well as the unofficial patch that enables that opportunity as indicated by the different top-right buttons and different scroll bar. You can try switching to Tablet Mode for awhile but of course, the scroll bar and the symbols for the buttons at the top-right of the window are not changed whatsoever. Even the icons are customized as well so I guess that these unofficial customizations should make Microsoft concerned.
The links were already taken down and I think that it's already better that someone should make a better customization than this without all the stupid bloat and penetration tools. Sure, having a script like this to automate such operation post-startup is kind of unofficial but to claim that removing certain Windows features being copyright violation is ridiculous.