Nowadays, it seems that only Onedrive and Outlook are getting better for sure but it is not the same for Windows Phone and Android nowadays. For Windows Phone, there isn't so much apps released for it. Perhaps, there may be more interesting apps you can get on IOS and Android but it seems that Windows Phone has already done better with the amount of sufficient modern features and technologies that can be comparable to its rivals. But Microsoft Android phones? Well that's kind of stupid unless Windows Phone is lagging way too behind. It might have put Blackberry to shame no matter how good looking Blackberry is but as the performance is kind of better for Windows Phone, it is already what Blackberry is lagging behind with the unusual interactivity. Windows Mobile 6.5 back then was having some backported modern interface to keep itself on par with IOS and Android with multi-touch points, modern touch capable with the modified interface. Those were all before Windows Phones popped up to become more on par and Blackberry must have planned too late or something.
Not to mention that even Nokia was planning Android devices in addition to Windows Phones but it may be rare to see a bunch of people using Nokia Android phones due to the recent Microsoft layoffs. Sure, Nokia was more like a third-party before being bought by Microsoft but having Microsoft Android devices is like an unusual idea to me.
Another thing is that the Google Glass Robert Scoble blogged about. For me, it is a serious security vulnerability when this thing is worn. People may wear it for security breach as if certain buildings disallow the use of this technology. People may wear it for piracy of the media which is a fucking bad thing to extend piracy even further, STOP THAT! Or people may wear it for other bad things in daily lives. The worst thing is that there may be real-life mimicing of Robocop the technology similar to Google Glass. I don't know what will they do with that since it has both good and bad sides.
Lastly, the Hackathon was already started by Microsoft with the main person responsible for that being the new CEO. If Microsoft can do better after the recent layoffs and with the new CEO, then there may be better chances to bring customers back. During the previous events Microsoft was involved in such as the WPC, it appeared that they planned well and right.