Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More privacy commitment from Microsoft

As presented at Windows Partner Conference which is the event Microsoft was involved, they were aiming for better privacy measures and protection for their customers from normal bad guys to even the government and security agencies in which those agencies everyone knows of have been even worse and more evil and more corrupted by now. So, the real liars about the on-going illegal surveillance thing is likely to be those evil agencies we know of and they already have a bunch of their supporters who are trying to make and revive a bunch of stupid laws to extend the spying power.
One of the security solutions for the next Windows for Microsoft is that they need to check to see if there are any backdoors in it including its features as calling wrong parts of the government for security checks in their products can result in more backdoors being injected. Maybe they should call the right governments and then try to remove the backdoors if detected. Another nice thing is that Microsoft will continue to challenge any more data disclosure requests coming from the US government in a brave way that those evils I just talked about above will not be happy about what Microsoft is planning to do like an IT hero.
More information we already blogged about included the stronger encryption of Microsoft services as well as Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit which may look like an in-house cyber-police station or something in fighting cybercrime all by themselves.
And after that important and interesting presentation, I'm sure that many customers and fans of Microsoft including the business partners will be really happy about that although a bunch of retards will troll on the protected services as of this time like 'they are for destructive bad guys' for instance. Maybe those retards should stop whinning like that and we're here to support internet freedom, not live in corrupted places. As if those idiots can make us like fucking scarred to do anything to those stuffs they think are illegal such as a 'friendly photography of a wonderful place' which has been photo-taken by many people whom those idiots take that place for a criminal place for instance, like those idiots want the recent photographers arrested or something. Perhaps, I might have seen such news where some photographer was a victim of this stupidity and that some stupid program should be stopped according to him.