Sunday, June 22, 2014

Windows 8.1 Update for Enterprise Jump Start

It was unfortunate that I missed the first day of the Jump Start that I may need to get the recorded videos of the Jump Start for compensation to learn the modules from Day 1. But fortunately, I had attended the Days 2 and 3 of the Jump Start. For this Jump Start, it includes the update to Windows 8.1 as we already know of with the second update that involves the classic Start Menu to be released in the future. But what I don't jump into is the freaking PowerShell stuffs that contain so much scripting. Parts of the scripts may do some command-line execution that may perform similar or different functions in making adjustments to the domain and ensuring that the clients are able to join the domain. When joining the domain, you can specify the organizational account to log in but this may take some luck for that to function properly as the hosts had the hard time troubleshooting that. Another downside was that ADFS is not an easy thing to use but it may be how you join to the workspace in Windows 8.1 as well as to get the business services and apps from the domain servers.
The next thing is the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in which the Work Folders were shown. It acts like the private cloud version of Onedrive where you can synchronize your work data in that folder to the enterprise network. Of couse, there's already the new Microsoft Remote Desktop for IOS, Android and Windows and just like the other software that does the private cloud remote access, the new Remote Desktop surely does that although I don't know if RemoteFX is supported for the new Remote Desktop in my opinion and especially the fact that the Gen 2 VM software like VirtualBox doesn't support that.
Lastly, the Juimp Start might be long but to cut-off conflicts, it was split into three days to ensure that you get enough information without getting tired. Sure, I was tired like that in previous Jump Starts that I missed out various information but then, I somehow don't have time to revisit all the Jump Starts I attended.