Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Snapchat and Amazon - Most serious lack of privacy protection according to EFF

While many major IT companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, etc. have six stars according to EFF, there may be offenders even worse than 'Triple-Idiotic ISPs' in the west. OK, I've come up with the term like that which represents AT&T, Verizon and Comcast which may be technically poisonous to your communication and networking systems in addition to your privacy. Another news I forgot to blog about is that Snapchat will be the next company to be bought by Facebook and things are going to get even worse when that happens. Not to mention the true Ubuntu controversy starring the Unity interface with Amazon elements in it but thankfully, you can use other Ubuntu GUIs such as GNOME. Sure, I'm already using Ubuntu although the regular annoyance is that the computer may tend to freeze that I may have to hard-reset it. This may bring us back to the MS-DOS based Windows days in the past where there might be traditional Power and Reset buttons depending on the past computer of yours.
Good news is that Snapchat responses to this serious criticism and they're working on to fix it by enabling high privacy protection level for their customers while they still have some time left before being bought by Facebook.