Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gaming Engines for Windows 8 Jump Start

OK, another Jump Start I attended with lots of details to explain on what went on in interesting ways. The tools mentioned in the Jump Start were Construct2, Game Maker and Unity 3D. Of course, Unity 3D is probably the most difficult to use as there may be involvement of the 3D graphics and the coding in addition to various useful features which also add to the difficulty as well. From the presentations, there are links to various sources where you can gather the resources/assets from such as the music, sounds, graphics, voices and so on. For Construct 2 and Game Maker Studio, there are already newer features compared to their previous versions. The official opinion stated that the Construct 2 is less difficult than Game Maker to use for game creation. Lastly, there's even the opportunity to publish the games made with one of those tools to the Windows Store but that requires the amount of steps and you may need newer technical knowledge of new technologies as Windows 8 technology contains a number of newer technological features we don't know of in the first place compared to the previous OSes. It's important to know the new technology as things are changing and especially when we take newer Microsoft certified courses at MVA.

Other tools mentioned were Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Inkscape, GIMP and Paint.NET. Of course, the most superior one is the Adobe products but they can be bitches to find and buy so you're better off with the alternatives like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.

For music, I already have the tools like FL Studio and Noteworthy Composer where each stuff is made in both MIDI and MP3 but I don't know when will I post these MIDI files I made with Noteworthy Composer straigtht to as this may mark a future opportunity as a gamer to post those arranges there. Of course, that website seems to be westernized so I have to follow that style and especially for the 16-Bit arranges I made and posted on YouTube. Note that not all 16-Bit arranges are credited as I fear that TheEightBit will not accept those Japanese like contents I contributed with that soundfont. But enough of these personal stuffs here. For actuality, I already used certain arranges for Game Maker as well, leaving the sound effects to be un-original as I took those sounds from various sources and provided the credits all along. Lastly, before this Jump Start existed, I already have the experience in using Game Maker but it seems that my works using that tool already turned out to be the project catastrophes like things not working well no matter how many improvements and changes I put in and especially when certain parts looked impossible to clear. Not to mention, the over-execution of the contents that caused other bugs on us as well.