Friday, August 16, 2013

Renew Orb–Spying Technology Halted

The people living in London are glad to see this official good news from the company stating that the company has decided to halt this kind of program after knowing the public outcry about this controversy. Even better is that the company has decided to collaborate with EFF to respect the privacy of the people living in London. Bravos to whatever that company is, they have admitted this sort of mistake but it cannot be the same for those on-going idiots who have broken the rules of privacy thousands of times every year, that is, the ones who have been spying on the Americans, of course.

Renew Orb basically is the recycle bin mixed with technology but the spying on people’s privacy is a huge controversial downside and we’re glad to see this technology halted. Well, there can be a recycle bin mixed with technology, telling you on which types of stuffs can be recycled and especially when the recycle bin can display some message on the screen saying that it is full and it needs to be emptied. At least, this kind of recycle bin can be handy and the networking connectivity is completely unnecessary.