Last time, I might have played Raiden Fighters Aces and the graphics, music and sounds are obviously more accurate compared to MAME emulation of Raiden Fighters series. Where-else in this compilation on IOS and Android, the ENTIRE PORT IS BASED ON MAME EMULATION CODES! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? THIS IS LIKE SEIBU KAIHATSU WILL SUE THE PORTERS FOR SURE! The good side is the controls and the graphics but then, the graphics will go too pixelated even on the great sharp modern smartphone and tablet devices compared to the Xbox 360 port. This part is bullshit like that in terms of the graphical settings. The gameplay is kind of flawed with minor bugs as well and especially for the charging in Raiden Fighters series. Then, for SOOOOOUUUUNNNDDDS, the freaking soooouuunnnddds! The sound is based on MAME emulation as it sounds compared to playing Raiden Fighters Aces.
Gameplay-wise on IOS and Android, I’m pretty sure that you can play even better like that in terms of scoring as long as you don’t forget the respective factors in each area in each game in the series. Hell, that is the best part of the compilation and of course, you’re going to buy it!
At this rate, the compilation is going to be okay to me like that compared to Xbox 360 version where certain game modes are sort of underrated to me in addition to some programming inaccuracy of the ports. If the compilation for the IOS and Android is ported by Success Corporation, Gulti and Seibu Kaihatsu instead of that fucking DotEmu, then the whole compilation can be even better like that just like the Xbox 360 port. Buy this port if you want but I don’t know if DotEmu has the permission or not.