Saturday, August 9, 2014
Microsoft Sculpt Mobile Mouse obtained
I guess that I bought the mouse that utilizes the Windows 8 technology from Valore shop for the first time but it appeared that things were uncomfortable when I was doing my personal stuffs. Net-surfing with this mouse should be fine although advanced multimedia work and gaming should be making use of the more advanced mouse instead. The good thing about this mouse is that you can set how the middle button will trigger when you click it. For example, PowerPoint slideshow, you can set the middle button to trigger the Digital Pen mode but then, I don't know if we can switch it back to normal mode with this mouse. If there's a technical ability like that, you should be able to present to the Internet users in the professional way like what the Microsoft employees in charge of the MVA videos do. But if you do have a tablet with the stylus, it may be a better method as you can draw things better.