Friday, August 1, 2014

Microsoft lost the court battle but the fight is still not over

As if some stupid scumbag tries to go against Microsoft into asking them to hand over some private data for the same illegal and stupid bullshit, it seems that the fight for the freedom will not end and it looks like you can continue to use the recently encrypted services like the Onedrive and Outlook. They were recently highly encrypted that would make things difficult for the cyber-spies in the US and UK to infiltrate them but despite that amount of power of security Microsoft has, some judge is trying to go against that power with some ruling. Even the warrant was said to be invalid according to Microsoft.
The company itself is going towards the cloud technology that is spread all over, simply surrendering anything may cause harm to the customers' privacy and the efforts for high privacy protection will be a waste by then. The Onedrive service is highly encrypted but it is not the same for Windows Azure. Have they got the time to encrypt that? What about Office 365 and Windows Intune?