Thursday, November 29, 2012

Windows Phone 7.8 to be available next year

If you know that Windows Phone 8 is extra fast and fluid enough that it is quite faster and smoother, perhaps Windows Phone 7.8 is going to have the features from Windows Phone 8. However, the Windows Phone 7 devices will not be as fast as Windows Phone 8 devices as not all features from Windows Phone 8. So far, I might have seen the various Windows Phone 8 devices at SITEX this month but I still haven't seen the ones at the ISPs at the shopping complexes. Maybe I still have to check out one day or something.
For Windows Phone 7.5 users, you are able to enjoy the popular Words with Friends and Draw Something while the overly popular casual games will be on the way. Plus, there will be additional apps to get as well as the extended Xbox Live service for Windows Phone users. However, the models running Windows Phone 7.8 may be somewhat unnecessary unless they are obviously asking for additional speed.