Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Skydrive on Opera

If you’re an Opera user, you’ve got to be warned that Skydrive jams the entire Opera browser like crazy. This is due to like two million nonsense characters entered in the source code of the website and that’s not fast and fluid enough. Comparing to other web browsers which are unaffected by this bug, it seems that some guy, Hallword R. M. Steen, had discovered the proof of this bug and blogged about it as shown in the link: http://my.opera.com/hallvors/blog/2012/11/12/microsoft-sends-two-million-null-characters-hangs-opera.

Other technical explanation is that the source code Opera gets, viewed in SciTE Behind, a comparison of source sent to Opera and other web browser, the comparison tool ExamDiff as he used is loaded directly from the Fiddler HTTP debugger to prove that this is about bytes coming from the site rather the result of some strange browser-internal bug. Perhaps someone at Microsoft must be crazy like trying to make things extra fast and fluid or perhaps trying to restore the interface as many people disagree with. If the interface is bound to be reverted while trying to speed up stuffs, that should be what the future of Microsoft can have been in the first place. So, is the fast and fluid phase going crashing down the hill?

Even worse is that Opera gets way more confused by the unexpected NULL characters than other web browsers do, judging from the CPU usage but we don’t know which side of the developers should fix. It is good to compare Opera with other web browsers for perhaps mistakes over certain web sites you visit and that was a surprising discovery made by Hallword R. M. Steen. Official proof can be found at the link above.