Friday, August 17, 2012

Windows RT devices to be delivered in October

Reaching RTM milestone for Windows 8 like this is something people cannot wait but even then, there are still glassy sort of icons seen on the desktop mode and that's not making the operating system fast enough. It's more like the whole operating system that fits well on the embedded systems like you can call it Windows CE 8 with all the modern features out there.
Today, there are newer  types of computers such as the ultra-thin notebooks, netbooks, desktop computers that are stored on one monitor screen, nettops which are quite rare and more Windows 7 tablets that are still sensitive to touch un-friendly interface. There will be newer graphics cards and sound cards coming in this year and certain graphics cards are quite anticipating to us such as the Tegra 3 series from NVIDIA which provide better gaming graphics while having newer CPUs and GPUs processors. The speed for tablets does not have to be 2Ghz and above and the tablets may spot better battery life.
Recently, there was a new Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2 which is powered by Windows 8 while the original runs on Android. Can you work on Microsoft Office suite on that tablet like that with that freaking Office 15? Like I realized when using that new Office 15, there are still inaccuracies that you may need to keep using the stylus, mouse and keyboard when working on the office documents like that. Other software that tablet will run include Photoshop, TurboTax and more. There was a warning from Acer and various game companies indicating that the entire operating system is going to become a messy catastrophe to the technology in the future. At least, Windows Phone series is quite good enough to use, right, because everything seems to be simplified?
Other tablets include ASUS Tablet 600 as well as that freaking Microsoft Surface tablet. There were already large embedded computer devices on the table named Microsoft Surface but for that first-party tablet, you can call it Mini-Surface for sure. Speaking of ASUS, there will be a showcase from this year's ASUS Computex.
But that's not it after that blog post from Building Windows 8 official blog as there will be more tablet devices from the other computer manufacturers running Windows RT to be released after the release of Windows 8 and RT.