It may seem to be no big deal in seeing various games finally imported for Xbox 360 at other shops such as those fighting games for example. Well, that was what happened after waiting for days for them to be imported. Other than that, I should have gone to Tampines Mall two days ago which was December 10th.
Improvements and Mistakes So Far
Well, I brought the earpiece that came with my Ipod Touch to the arcade and it turns out that you cannot hear anything coming from the earpiece while it is plugged to the headphone jack of the machine in the first place unless you turn on the Headphone Volume during Song Select section. Unfortunately, I forgot to check one more thing and that was the difficulty section and therefore, I accidentally played the first song of this run in Easy Mode which was such a worthless mistake. On the second stage, I finally chose Normal Mode before starting another song.
Hmm, the target audience has been checked for guarantees when it comes to Vocaloid stuff that everyone can play Project Diva Arcade during holidays. However, on the internet, there were some retarded kids who reacted in the stupidest ways to the Vocaloid stuff that you may want to put them in MUGEN and have the fighting game characters you play as in MUGEN to fight those kids in that game. It sounds quite offensive that you may want to flag that fucking reaction video as offensive as well on YouTube. I think that the target audience attraction was screwed up in certain countries and therefore, certain idiots like those kids had seen such stuffs.
Meanwhile at the arcade, the original SF IV cabinets were moved and both machines were finally working. However, the sticks started to go lousy or something on me that I couldn’t easily use the Ultra Moves and that wasted $2 on that fix. Also on the downside, the SSF IV machines were unplayable by card for unknown reasons.