Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Konami's Bombergirl controversy (Definitive Rant?)

By today's standards, Konami's game development actions regarding the highly disturbing Bomberman spinoff game, Bombergirl, might have landed themselves in hot water over the seriously disturbing gameplay elements when the characters take damage for instance. Some of the characters with such profiles I won't mention here combined with the indecent gameplay elements I just mentioned are super obvious by today's standards that Konami could risk crossing the line of going too far. The risk of Konami crossing the line sort of existed starting 4 years ago when I ranted about some highly disturbing Netflix dance movie certain content creators like Sidalpha made some videos of. Suffice to say, their opinions of that movie were highly negative. By that time I knew how disturbing and selfish that movie was, I could have redone a rant on Konami's Bombergirl much earlier than the time the disturbing Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid shmup game was released, and here it is, a proper way to rant.

Konami's Bombergirl was released in arcades way back in 2018 with the Konami Game Station version being released a few years later on PC. There happened to be some sequel but even then, I'm already better off with decent and non-disturbing games from Konami and other game companies. If the hot water wasn't dodged and dismissed enough as some whiny rubbish, they even had a spinoff of Mahjong Fight Club series with a similar concept.

Spinoff or not, this had gone way too far and what kind of creep would want to ask for the release of Konami's Bombergirl in the arcades outside Japan? I wouldn't be surprised if the content creators I know of made a gaming news video of the game sparking controversy for having a western arcade release.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Wubuntu controversy

When someone investigated the security issue in which those who bought the "activation key" for Wubuntu OS got their private information stored in the database, the developers of this OS had the audacity to alter some piece of information along with some writing that called the investigator an idiot and lamer or some sort. It wasn't a professional way to react and but it seems that the privacy violation stuff wasn't the only issue that sparked controversy. Other issue included the possible trademark and copyright infringement on the Windows 12 Lite level with icons, wallpapers and other assets taken from Windows OSes.

Wubuntu OS is part of the LinuxFX line of Linux OSes and recently, many content creators made their videos of it, demonstrating what it looks like for sure and deciding that it's not recommended for anyone to try out the OS. Tech enthusiasts already know what Linux looks like no matter how much disguise it can have. Obvious indications may include:

  • The flow of the startup and shutdown process of a Linux OS
  • Boot screen flow and asset positioning
  • Login screen and various applications
  • WINE for running Windows applications
  • Additional processes related to WINE can be seen on screen

I guess that it's pretty much the same as disguising whatever Windows OS as the other through transformation tools and whatnot but in Wubuntu's case, it can be comparable to Windows 12 Lite in terms of a controversial Linux OS that deserves to be found out by Microsoft. This one looks like it will be found out by both Microsoft and Canonical for unauthorized use of Ubuntu branding and Windows related assets but the real red flag in my eyes has to do with the data collection stuff and to pay for "additional features".

Sunday, March 3, 2024

A big controversy surrounding Nijisanji & some former virtual livers

For starters, the recent controversy started with the amount of dark trouble the former virtual liver had gone through prior to moving back to being an Indie Virtual YouTuber as Dokibird. According to her, the work environment was said to be toxic and she had been ill-treated there prior to her termination. It had gotten that bad to the point that she made more than one attempt that landed herself in the hospital. The worse thing was, she wasn't paid there in the first place and had to use her personal money on the song cover. It's like she had been stopped from producing passionate stuff there. Needless to say, her fans were FURIOUS over the severe trouble she went through and despite her return to streaming under her indie identity, there were petty attempts from Anycolor to do damage control and those acts were criticized. Poor PR management? Sort of.

The official apology video from Anycolor CEO was a sheer nonsense and disastrous. It clearly showed that they devalued the virtual livers with the top priority being the investors when it came to apology. And to make certain virtual livers do the "addressing" video to the situation as a ploy to disrupt Dokibird's passion was some last straw to tarnish the company's reputation further. Another problem was that the private documents were sort of leaked by the company with such video posted on one of the virtual livers' YouTube channels and Dokibird was not happy about it. This could closely result in a lawsuit against the company for privacy violation although the legal battle between them and Dokibird will be no easy feat according to one of Sayu's recent livestreams. The trust is broken and difficult to rebuild at this point.

Another toxic part you can see on the internet is the amount of die-hard simps/shills of Nijisanji who keep defending the brand and organization to no end in which they dismissed whatever truth Sayu and Dokibird said as some kind of fabrication. Some shills even had the miserable audacity out of their unhinged and cringy behavior to come up with a list of anyone who ranted about the controversy, dropped support for Nijisanji, supported Dokibird, etc. Oh, let's not forget that Anycolor did a self-investigation in the same way EA & Activision Blizzard did. It's all a new low from what I knew about the controversy and I have a feeling that the drama the Nijisanji shills are prolonging isn't letting up. They will continue their malicious acts in an attention-seeking way. Man, some of the most immature nerdy behaviors might include having parasocial relationships with the corporation or some corporate entity as if the corporation was their parents or something. (Well, I'm looking at some "die-hard" Intellivision Amico shills who have parasocial relationship or some kind.) I don't care what nonsense they can spew out on social media. Surprise success from Dokibird is what catches my eyes and I already tweeted about her achievements.

As of this time, it appears that Dokibird's channel is going strong with large amount of subscribers, a Play button given to her, and the redone intro which is like one part of full Brain Power ownership rights level. What this means, many things about her when she was in Nijisanji are still hers to this day.