By today's standards, Konami's game development actions regarding the highly disturbing Bomberman spinoff game, Bombergirl, might have landed themselves in hot water over the seriously disturbing gameplay elements when the characters take damage for instance. Some of the characters with such profiles I won't mention here combined with the indecent gameplay elements I just mentioned are super obvious by today's standards that Konami could risk crossing the line of going too far. The risk of Konami crossing the line sort of existed starting 4 years ago when I ranted about some highly disturbing Netflix dance movie certain content creators like Sidalpha made some videos of. Suffice to say, their opinions of that movie were highly negative. By that time I knew how disturbing and selfish that movie was, I could have redone a rant on Konami's Bombergirl much earlier than the time the disturbing Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid shmup game was released, and here it is, a proper way to rant.
Konami's Bombergirl was released in arcades way back in 2018 with the Konami Game Station version being released a few years later on PC. There happened to be some sequel but even then, I'm already better off with decent and non-disturbing games from Konami and other game companies. If the hot water wasn't dodged and dismissed enough as some whiny rubbish, they even had a spinoff of Mahjong Fight Club series with a similar concept.
Spinoff or not, this had gone way too far and what kind of creep would want to ask for the release of Konami's Bombergirl in the arcades outside Japan? I wouldn't be surprised if the content creators I know of made a gaming news video of the game sparking controversy for having a western arcade release.