Apparently, there was a similar case of review-bombing for Zoom app probably due to the on-going pandemic that people have to be staying home at most of the time. Like the Dingtalk review-bombing incident, this is pretty much the same case although there were more controversies surrounding Zoom app/service due to privacy violation and lack of cyber-security that resulted in various online sessions such as meetings, classes, and other types of professional sessions compromised.
I don't know what sort of behavior people had in review-bombing things like that but in case of Zoom, it is actually reasonable due to genuine concerns. You can criticize a product/service in a professional manner but if you review-bomb it in such a childish and immature way, you don't want that. There's a rumor that the apps with an overall low review score will be booted off the app store and that act of review-bombing is like an act of like cyber-truancy or something unless your review is genuine.
According to 9to5 Google article about this, it seemed that Google had already taken actions against the negative reviews that were non-actual problems and Apple already froze the review section for the Zoom app. It's more or less an old news when I write a blog post about this as that article about this incident was posted two months ago. It's also a remaining news piece that should complete the previous blog article I wrote about the Zoom privacy and cyber-security controversy.
I don't know if the cyber-security is truly improved or not when it comes to Zoom app as of the present time.