Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tetote X Connect ripoff game, Fantasy Partner?

The upcoming rhythm game from Taito is still in development and there's a game in China called Fantasy Partner which is blatant plagiarism. Pretty much most of the stuffs are similar but there are differences in UI skin, characters, song list, background and even the cabinet. Like Tetote X Connect, the ripoff game's machine is seen running Windows 10 IOT or something.
As if those nerds' behavior isn't creepy enough, a ripoff game of Tetote X Connect exists to spread it around all over besides the genuine one that is bound to be released in the arcades in Japan although I don't know if it will be released outside Japan or not.
Further updates about Tetote X Connect include changes in the gameplay like the addition of the special notes and the removal of poses as well as the fact that the game will be playable in JAEPO event. I forgot to mention that it uses the GP system similar to what Border Break uses. After the song, you return back to the Menu screen where you can customize things or proceed to the Music Select again.

Some Bilibili video of this is the comparison video of Tetote X Connect & Fantasy Partner in this link:

As well as various tweet links I had seen: