Saturday, February 29, 2020

Coqui The Game - After the controversy

This one pretty much sneaked past Sidalpha's radar by not being part of his Dirty Game Dev list as the game was released on Wii U a few years ago and THAT WAS A FEW MONTHS after the Nintendo Switch was released. Who the hell would want to play this when the Switch was already released and anticipated? How anticipating the Switch was? It was due to the innovation that addressed the flaws the Wii U has and the Switch console is more successful than the Wii U. There were last official games to be released on Wii U at the time of course but some of the Wii U games were not re-released on Switch yet with additional contents.
In case of Coqui The Game controversy, many YouTubers already made videos about this and the shady game developer behind it. That deserved to be Sidalpha's Dirty Game Dev list but he wasn't on that list as the momentum of the Wii U was quite low and the 8th Gen consoles are already having tons of indie games released on them including the Switch. In fact, when the Playstation 4 was going to be released at the time, there were many kinds of games to be released on it as launch titles. That included even indie games so why couldn't that developer transfer development from Wii U to Switch like other game developers did?
Until the present time, there aren't so much videos of Coqui The Game and the recent scummy actions from that indie game developer flooded the rant videos with useless hate comments with 'obsession with reglion' out of his mental illness. I discovered this controversy recently after some YouTuber tweeted about this recent action and I replied to him that Sidalpha should do a Dirty-Dev video of this game if Sidalpha wants to. I didn't mention Sidalpha in that reply as this is more or less an old news from 3 years ago but that it seemed that Sidalpha will do a video of this because of my reply tweets as if this news from him will become definitive enough to put that game developer in his Dirty Game Dev list.
The case is still not closed yet and the developer of Coqui The Game will need some mental help if his craziness goes on. Oh, I even discovered another game on Twitter that uses Coqui and that is called Coqui Beat by Star Yolk Games whose presentation is even better than the one on Coqui The Game. Coqui Beat is still under development as we speak and nobody knows what platforms it will be released on.

Tweet of Coqui The Game by ThatFlaxJourno:
My reply to ThatFlaxJourno:
Source of tweet discovery of Coqui Beat: