Monday, January 13, 2020

YouTuber Potato Chips

What were they thinking when involving YouTubers in Japan at that time including the virtual ones? Normally, you won't too much of junk food as it can be a hazardous practice to your health. Not to mention that you sometimes buy such snacks for the family or something that you will get some free time to eat after lunch or dinner as if those snacks don't even count as real food. However, to spend a huge amount of money on the same product that has different cards inside is basically paid loot-box and health risk together. Not even resturants, cafeterias or coffee shops sell food products containing such stuffs representing YouTubers as part of them.
Of course, trading cards with levels of rarity don't mean anything to me since I'm not into trading card games and I don't know if this is the same example in buying the potato chip product containing such cards once. It should be like that, just buy that product once and consume it like it's free time or something and you'll be fine. However, what's not fine was the encouragement-type manipulation coming from famous YouTubers' videos. They had their videos displaying, promoting and trying such products in action. Not to mention that they invested in a large quantity of the same product as each copy has different cards inside.
What's even more wrong about this campaign was that many things were really difficult to replicate for Virtual YouTubers in terms of technology. The potato chip product isn't torn open and to put in tons of virtual chips inside can be tough and hardware resource consuming and it doesn't look like there are videos of Virtual YouTubers eating or drinking something realistically. Perhaps, it's best not to come up with the eating/drinking videos at all. What about the product unboxing animation? Can anyone produce that? Is it that difficult to do it without taking up so much hardware resource? I guess that I expected live streams from Virtual YouTubers too soon like many of them start their channels with live streams in 2D character form with the 3D one being more difficult and time-consuming to make. Lastly, the way the Virtual YouTubers cleaned up all that mess after that campaign was that the staffs vanished everything on the ground as part of the live stream. It's not like they can be seen cleaning up the mess themselves.