Wednesday, July 27, 2016

France's CNIL regarding Windows 10 data collection

About few days left before the upgrade to Windows 10 is no longer free and yet the illegal telemetry/data collection still continues through the company's ON-GOING TECHNICAL TYRANNY! If the product is released in an incomplete state with core features implemented and future updates coming in, it is half-fine all along but adding additional negative thing which is the lack of security to the product can WORSEN its reputation.
From the observation result as reported by CNIL from France starting from April to June, Windows 10 doesn't comply with French Data Protection Act. It collects too much stuffs along with irrelevant ones like it's doing too much energy consumption for that bullshit. It's like the change of Privacy Policy in the past wasn't quite enough and the OS continues to do this kind of irrelevant bullshit in addition to collecting data based on the privacy options PRESENT in the Control Panel. It tracks on how long the users use along with system information about the apps installed in the machine.
Furthermore, there's another concern CNIL has regarding the PIN login method. After tons of incorrect attempts, it should switch the users back to the password login method which CNIL thinks is more secure that way. Sure, the password is more secure than PIN if your password is strong enough as the PIN login method may be vulnerable to brute-force attacks. What about banning various kinds of PIN numbers because they're too weak like 4444, for instance? In fact, there should be an alternate link on the login screen that switches users to the password login method in case they can't login using PIN numbers. By the way, the PIN is assigned to the device while the password is assigned to the user account.
Another worse thing is that the major updates of Windows 10 may allow advertisements to be seen in apps and Start Menu based on the advertising ID which is linked to the users.
A major warning from CNIL is that Microsoft has a few months to comply with the French Data Protection Act or there's a chance that Microsoft's reputation will be affected for non-compliance and such business non-compliance like this can result in an investigation of the company. We don't know if the French Data Protection Act will really be complied or not as if someone from Microsoft will be telling lies or something. Publishing business lies to the public can be a serious offense like certain ISPs in the US already do despite the fact that Net Neutrality is still in effect there for instance. This is beyond the final days of free upgrade offer for Windows 10 because after July 29, the upgrade will no longer be free but at this time Microsoft is already warned, it's already too late to accept the offer at the last moment and the earlier time of free upgrade plan to Windows 10 was already in vain due to lack of realization that the illegal data collection from the OS was still on-going until now.
Lastly, we don't know the major impact that will be done to the freedom in the future. Will the tech companies we know of and use their services be no longer trusted in the future for good? Will we be permanently betrayed by them for good? Will we drift away from the tech world completely in favor of doing something else that's completely different? It's basically a race against time until November where the election in the US begins and until then, the tech companies can't be trusted and that the real privacy policies make us think like, we don't know if those policies are for nothing or what.