Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Superfish update

We probably know that Lenovo was already aware of this situation like it already took them some time to be aware of it and come up with the solution to fix this problem so they already came up with the official Superfish uninstallation tool that will help to remove the program and the security certificate like we already mentioned in the previous post. Of course, many of the antivirus programs had already detected this as Adware that easily and even Windows Defender or Security Essentials is one of the detectors out there. How did Microsoft come up with the new anti-virus definiton database in addition to improved security for their services?
Unfortunately, when it comes to Firefox, the security certificate system is different than the one in other browsers and there may be some chance that the Superfish security certificate may  still remain intact for Firefox but I don't know if this is true or not.