Okay. Sure, there might be the fact that Facebook opposed certain organizations that were against the other parts of the cyber-stability such as the Net Neutrality, of course and recently, it seems that Facebook had learnt their lesson from doing all the experimental bullshit without users' knowledge. It already led the users to bashing on the service for this but this kind of improvement is still far from respecting the users' privacy. Even more bullshit is that, Facebook is already planning to collaborate with another advertising company that is already purchased by Microsoft and collect your health records without getting concerned. We have already known that Apple was already concerned about what they would do about users' health data and especially for the controversial iWatch and similar devices in which they may cause more accidents than ever that they should be banned from being in the vehicle. Rather than a digital or video check on whatever that's inside the vehicle for those devices, there should be a sign pasted in the vehicle saying that those wearable devices are not allowed in the vehicle.
So what, is the lesson a lie or something from Facebook when they're invading other parts of privacy? No, it's the truth that they had learnt the lesson but the other bullshits they have been doing should stop.