Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bitlocker the technical betrayal?

Articles about the NSA and FBI stuffs are everywhere in the globe and wiping them out is one of the stupid orders/plans like what someone already issued in wiping out hard disks containing leaked documents of the evil spying motives at The Guardian. According to some article I discovered, it seemed that there was some backdoor implemented inside BitLocker so that this evil spying can continue ever since the Windows Vista days.

Also, there is some progress going on from EFF, Fight for the Future, IDL, etc. that more stuffs are coming in on what those evil spying agencies have been up to. The targets range from computers, tablets, smartphones and even your private stuffs in US powered technology brands. However, to be frank, I have been SICK AND TIRED of talking and blogging about these as there’s no FUCKING END to this saga. If THIS is the BULLSHIT they’ve been continuing against the civilians, then there may be no point using technologies affected by that.