Having graduated yesterday, it was a huge enjoyment outside that graduation area at Suntec City. Proceeded there for dinner, fun and other exploration, it seemed that I played Raiden IV at The Star Factory again but at Suntec City. Problem is, I hate inserting coins myself to start playing but I had no choice anyway. Thanks to the videos from Raiden IV Official Blog, I was able to try out additional skills I mastered so far from them. Even level 3 could be a little bit impressive on the boss fight and especially for level 1 and 2 boss fights there. For level 1, things were completely great looking in my playing as I used those methods from those videos as well. Unfortunately, I stopped at level 4 as the shopping complex was apparently closing. Funny thing is that I still had to use the bomb when attacking large enemies even closer so you can know most of these during boss fights.
Update: It appears like I spent on less than 7 coins or something.