Thursday, March 18, 2021

Rangok Skies/Operation Dracula Controversy Part Two

So, the game was recently released on Steam despite the large amount of plagiarized assets including some sound effects and when it comes to stolen sound effects used in an indie game, that's where the players who have cleared the game can sense that something isn't right with the Sound Effect portion of the credits. Like exactly where those stolen sound effects come from other than the sound effects taken from Prior to the release, there were some improvements done to the gameplay and visuals but the problem of plagiarism is still serious and present, putting other controversial professional indie games I discovered in the past to shame.

In addition, there's the official website of Rangok Skies which looks fine although the news part may seem slightly unprofessional and even then, the successful release of the game on Steam ever since its mobile release 6 years ago had already upon doors to legal investigation. Will the investigation really happen? I don't know if it will really happen or not since the game is an arcade-style 2D shooter although the incident regarding Dangen Entertainment and other indie game developers was bigger enough than this that Dangen Entertainment's actions were mentioned by Sentinels of the Store Steam Curator Page. I first discovered that Steam Curator Page and community group thanks to Sidalpha who highlights the dirty game developers' shady actions. Speaking of that page, Rangok Skies may deserve to end up in it under Theft List over stolen assets.

If Rangok Skies is to end up in that Theft List from Sentinels of the Store Steam Curator Page, it will look like an important lesson for indie game developers. But then, that important lesson has been there ever since the page was established and the lists have been growing larger with newer games added in them.