Like how in the world were millions of users supposed to be truly convinced when Whatsapp tells us that the new change to the Privacy Policy affects business users only when it comes to data collection by Facebook? Business users only or not, the upcoming change had caused millions of users to migrate to the rival messaging apps like Telegram and Signal. One thing to keep in mind is that the privacy in Telegram isn't accurate as if the messages are not encrypted on the non-server-side but at least, it requires lesser permissions than what Whatsapp currently has.
Plus, I have no complete idea if even others related to me have made a switch to a secure alternative or not but I guess that according to the president of the tech company, Acronis, it is less likely for many locals to switch software. Perhaps, it's something to do with common popularity when it comes to the world of tech. Majority of the users are probably using Windows or Mac although there may be rare times you can see someone using some other OS like Linux for instance. From my experience in switching to Signal, it basically imports the contacts and messages from Truecaller app which is the one I made the default messaging app prior to installing Signal on my Android devices but I don't seem to have any way to import the group chats from Whatsapp.