Sunday, December 6, 2020

PS5 Scalping Group snatches opportunity to order 1000 Xbox Series X but orders are cancelled due to "technical error"

Well, we're back at this scummy saga again with the part two involving the same group who got 3500 PS5 units. This Time, they tried to order 1000 Xbox Series X using the bots involved but their orders were cancelled due to "technical error". The same error affected the REAL customers who wanted to buy the next-gen consoles online. It left them disappointed but at the same time, they should be surprised about the fact that something like 1000 orders of Xbox Series X units backfired on the scalping group. It sort of angered the scalping group or something but the chaos like this regarding the next-gen console launch is still on-going and we don't know when will this scummy business stop.

About the part when the same scalping group said that they had "no regrets", as they claimed, they would continue to do such scummy things like ordering 1000 Xbox Series X units online. It's kind of like how "unusual activities" at the Golden Village cinemas are still allowed there in which anyone can book there just to do something else instead of watching movies with "no regrets". It's sickening that one of the idiot-bookers/Idiots-On-Facebook, got only positive reactions, articles and compliments like two weeks ago and that's that. Will those idiot-bookers do the same shit again in the future with "no regrets"? That is something I don't know. I also don't know if anyone else will be stupid enough to do the same thing as those idiot-bookers did or not.

If that's not scummy enough, the online stores have the units of Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles having an extremely high price with some Playstation 5 units costing a million bucks. This kind of action should be a crime to us! Another scummy problem is that the customers got something else instead of whatever next-gen console they ordered. Perhaps, some scalping group must have tempered with the customers' orders or something. What if the customers got a non-working console or even a console in a damaged state?

Then, there's another scummy practice someone had done according to one of ReviewtechUSA's videos regarding the on-going chaotic scalping saga for Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, and that is to impersonate a professional YouTuber and doing what that YouTuber didn't do, selling next-gen consoles through impersonation. It's not just a YouTuber any scalper can impersonate like a scammer that they are. It can be any other professional occupation. However, that case is a different story of another time as it involved some individual scalper, not that same scalping group.