Like the previous generation Playstation consoles, the amount of units being sold overall are quite super-high ever since the original Playstation. The same can probably go for various Nintendo consoles as well. However, the real problem is about product scalping in which scalpers sell the products they've obtained for a higher price and this is the one plaguing the Playstation 5 console with one group getting 3500 units. It's one scummy act and we hope that product scalping is a crime to begin with. Unfortunately, product scalping isn't a crime in the US on the federal level but some states view it as a demeanor. Depending on where you live, scalping or price gouging may or may not be illegal.
The situation is already out of control when it comes to Playstation 5 and the demands for that console are already quite high. One scalping group that has 3500 units had the AUDACITY to claim that they have "no regrets" for their actions. They also made the bots that messed up the online orders for Playstation 5 console in which instead of getting it as what the victims wanted, they got something else instead.
The group even has its own website that says that you can make Risk Free Profits through resales but of course, you'll surely find that site nefarious. They also had another audacity to lie online in social media, saying that the bots were not involved when the bots were INDEED involved in the mess as portrayed by the media. As the title of the blog post suggests, they claimed that they have "no regrets". However, a backlash was already drawn and I don't know if they will truly realize their mistakes and regret their actions. Needless to say, the comments on that social media post are mostly negative.
The video from Yongyea about this situation may probably say things all in detail and especially for the interesting comments I referred to.
Speaking of "No Regrets", I had seen a local news article that mentions four patrons booking a local cinema just to do something else but that will be in the next blog post. It's scummy enough for that scalping group to get away with "no regrets" like that and now, I discovered a different group that mentioned that they had "no regrets" as well.