Sunday, April 21, 2019

Epic Games Store controversy

Well, it's a rant about the Epic Games Store after it's caused a big controversy. Of course, it's not the only launcher for PC games that does that. The EA's Origin has a bigger controversy and the reputation of EA has been getting quite bad. Here are the following two big problems Epic Games Store has caused.
The first problem is that future AAA games will be on PC via Epic Games Store that caused review-bombing on Steam to occur and especially for how the exclusivity is handled. Metro Exodus on PC is one controversial example for timed-exclusivity and there was some kind of apology going on for that mistake. Plus, the Epic Games Store is not the only launcher for modern digital PC games. There may be other launchers out there like the ones from Bethesda, EA, etc.
The second problem is the cyber-spying issue coming from Epic Games Store itself and people often accused it of spying on people for the Chinese government. Of course, the accusation taking place on Reddit is inaccurate when someone else tried to correct the person who came up with that accusation. Even EA's Origin is guilty of spying on people but in case of Epic Games Store, it is Epic's relationship with Tencent. Even the corrector of course is not supporting Epic Games Store as it is inferior when compared to other competing launchers like Steam. The culprits behind the data collection are the tools the corrector mentioned. They are debug tools used to monitor activity on software. The worse thing is that the Epic Games Store is an app based on the web browser as if it likes to read the root certificates. Even other applications like Discord and Steam are guilty of this.
Another worse thing is that Epic Games Store has violated the GDPR and at this rate, the company running this launcher may risk getting fined although you may have to keep a look out for the defenders of the controversial launcher. Also, going anti-Chinese just because of this controversy is unspeakably wrong and immature. I don't know the reason behind the tech companies in Beijing doing the cyber-surveillance thing but stereotyping things like that is one way of isolation.

I can say that this is more or less a summarized rant about the Epic Games Store but there are tons of YouTubers out there who have been making news about this like Yongyea, ReviewTechUSA, SidAlpha, etc. If you seriously despise the Epic Games Store based on the controversy it's caused, perhaps, buying the other versions of the same AAA games is the alternate option.