Monday, January 21, 2019

Soulja Boy's interview at Breakfast Club

Apparently, there was a lawsuit or whatever that got to Soulja Boy and the interviewers told him things like they knew from people that he was selling bootleg game consoles with pirated games in them like it is true but he dismissed that fact in the interview like it is false to him with his lying statement saying that he has the licenses for all the games inside those things.
It's like he's never admitted to his mistakes and continues on that stupid statement even in the interview! And I don't know how he did something wrong to DJ Akademiks that he eventually apologized to that DJ. What's even MORE INSULTING from Soulja Boy was that he wanted Fortnite to be on his game consoles. Would Epic Games give a shit about his request? And better yet, it's even SICKENING for people to keep praising Soulja Boy over the game console stuff despite his RECENT WRONGDOINGS THAT HAVE BEEN ON-GOING.
Another thing was that Soulja Boy's Soulja Watch website was compromised and it has been down even today. Well, that moment deserved to happen and don't even think of offering him the goddamn solutions to restore that online shop of his.
Admittedly, I don't even want to show the video of that sickening interview here via an embedded video to watch from here or even a link to go to but you should be able to locate it yourself on your own. Madlittlepixel had shown portions of the interview video in his own video and the interview sort of disgusted the true gaming people alike.
The closest console of Soula Boy's that will have Fortnite will be the Fuze, something else that is Android-powered or even none which is the better word. The mobile versions such as the IOS & Android are the closest experiences to compare. I don't know if the external controllers are compatible with those versions through USB or bluetooth but if compatible, there should be an unofficial chance of playing Fortnite on Fuze but I still don't recommend that you sideload that game on Fuze console.
There were even questions on whether the Soulja Boy products HAD ARRIVED or not to anyone who had ordered them. Also, there are videos stating that Soulja Boy is probably trolling on us by faking sales or something. Another evidence some YouTubers found was the amount of money he had made. Something wasn't right with the graphs and where did the BIG AMOUNT of money he had got come from? Indeed, the interviewers mentioned the criticisms to Soulja Boy but he still keeps that defense and denial out of his on-going bad attitude. He should best know what he said but then again, to me, he's not even reflecting on his mistakes even after he apologized to DJ Akademiks. When was there a time he felt sorry about his actions? Is there any other solution that can be used as a better apology? The consequences and troubles are bigger than ever and there's no way he can run away from them and put the blame on us through his various slurs.
The more you rant about Soulja Boy, the more annoying things can be to certain people like they're more interested in something else. There's even a possibility that you may be viewed as a hater for continuous rants but I hope that's not the point for you and various YouTubers who ranted about him. And if you want to ask Epic Games about putting his dance in Fortnite, the best thing is that they'll ignore that pointless request of yours and to work together with a fraud like Soulja Boy is going to do your studio more harm.
What else is worse? E-begging, in which anyone donating to Soulja Boy may get the game consoles of his but even then, it's a controversial campaign that dupes his fans into doing this shit when he already has tons of money from his music and live performances.