Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Activo CT10 Audio Player & Sega Saturn

The Sega Saturn is notorious for having complicated hardware specs that posed high difficulty for game developers but that didn't stop it from being successful in Japan. Tons of 2D games were released for that system in Japan although they likely originated from the arcades of something. Capcom and SNK games on Sega Saturn would probably require the RAM cartridge to work correctly. Not to mention that they are more accurate when compared to their arcade versions. Then, there was a campaign that made the console more successful even though it had been outsold and lagging behind, the Segata Sanshiro campaign, in which he travels around the world as a martial artist and commands people to play Sega Saturn games. The first few commercials were kind of brutal or some sort like they involved him doing judo flip on anyone caught by him before he commands them to play the Sega Saturn. Then, there's the Christmas commercial for Sega Saturn in Japan involving Segata Sanshiro as the Santa who commands those kids to play that console as well. The later commercials were obviously in the right direction although some commercials were kind of ridiculous.
Fast forward to this year when Activo CT10 Audio Players were announced. Don't be fooled by the way they look as they're not mini Sega Saturn consoles but rather, they're skinned to look like that console. Even the Virtual YouTuber, Cyber Girl Siro, promotes this audio player as well with the Segata Sanshiro-style command as if she commands you to play the Sega Saturn even though that console was already discontinued and not doing that well when compared to other Sega consoles.