Brave the web browser with privacy in mind is made by the Mozilla Project co-founder and according to the complaint from Brave, it appears that Google and other ad-tech companies had breached the GDPR which had gone effective several months ago in EU. That regulation was one important step in protecting individuals' privacy but it was a shame that Google breached such a recent regulation like that.
According to the official article from Brave, each time you visit a website containing 'Behavioral Ad', intimate personal data can be shown to tons of computers. The ad-tech companies broadcast this kind of data to solicit potential advertisers' bids for the sake of the attention of you visiting that website. Under GDPR, this kind of technical action known as 'bid request' to online industries is unlawful as it fails to protect intimate personal data from unauthorized access.
The Brave web browser started two years ago with the ability to block third-party cookies and it is based on Chromium browser. It is one of the lightweight browser with advanced ad-tracking controls but don't expect many common things this browser may have although there was an announcement that they would include the prototype Tor mode with Private Tab Browsing. Speaking of Tor, it is unspeakably notorious for being used by cyber criminals and other kinds of baddies alike in addition to those seeking high privacy. The worse thing is that, the privacy protection has gone too far that many online services you go to regularly falsely complain about your account being compromised.