The first time we discovered about this controversy was in the social media and I went deeper through the discovery where I stumbled upon a blog post about it in which various adult performances that would take place in this year's Fringe Festival were disguising themselves as art. Some of the performances were too disgusting that they were scrapped due to the fact that they exceeded the 18+ rating according to the review by Info-Comm Media Development Authority or IMDA. It was a controversial festival we had discovered and avoided but we knew the simple quote of, "Don't like it? Don't attend it!". I can't believe that M1, one of the local ISPs, had gone EXTREMELY INCOMPETENT INTO WASTING TIME AND BRILLIANCE WITH THIS SHIT DISGUISED AS ART! HOW CAN YOU CALL THIS DISGUSTING BULLSHIT AS ART?
Such stuffs like the ones used in this year's Fringe Festival can land the organizers in deeper trouble as it violates the law that goes against the adult content and yet the event goes on with a bunch of those performances despite the fact that some of them were SCRAPPED!
There were news articles about this year's Fringe Festival's controversy although there wasn't so much of them. What will annoy us more is that certain news articles contained the positives about those adult performances. Why do the performers perform such shit in a festival like it's beyond me? And why would they positive looking news articles about those disturbing performances like they liked them or something? Readers may stop reading future news articles from those news sites because of this controversy defense and the worse thing is that there might be organizers and performers attending to defend that event but the usage of the obsessive behavior into calling that bullshit as art is unacceptable.
I don't know about the previous M1 Fringe Festivals but this one's like landed the organizers in deeper trouble like they can get away with this organization and denying it. If they continue this kind of controversy for next year's Fringe Festival, I don't know what the M1 customers will do should they find it out. Will they change ISPs because of that? Will M1 be regarded as the ISP again after that controversy? That discovery already sickened me before we even entered this year!
Oh, I even forgot the update post until now which is the link here from Singapore Affairs' Wordpress blog. Everything above was typed in based on my overall discovery along with the references to their viral blog post. You can act disappointed like a kid if you want over those two cancelled performances but I feel that CANCELLATION is a BETTER WORD for them than amendment! Simply calling for amendment to meet IMDA standards was like Arts Engage, the arts groups, making accusations over censorship. Perhaps, things wouldn't look exactly the same if they were to follow the standards before getting licensed by IMDA. Prior to M1 Fringe Festival's official statement, Arts Engage had issued the open letter to IMDA about that situation.
What's funny about this is that you can see a bunch of event defenders who are attendees of course at this link, Art or Farce, Skin or Sleaze from Kopi Talk SG Wordpress Blog and especially that they were trashing out some local Facebook group about locals defending marriage and family. It also drew defenses from performers and organizers in the official social media comments.
The Fringe Festival is like still on-going until January 15 after it started from the beginning of this month. There will be those who want to attend it but the best option will be, don't care for them. And lastly, I don't appreciate or allow those adult stuffs like the ones used in the event. They're excessively disturbing looking and they can alter the psychological behavior negatively if you're too obsessed. Oh, if you happen to end up like those two Microsoft employees who suffered from PTSD because of this Fringe Festival, I don't know if you can sue the organizers or something in the future but better still, don't attend this event if you're heavily disturbed by this controversy.