If you have been seeking privacy like I'm have been seeking, that's the good thing as if you already have the addons related to security for the Firefox browser but if you don't have any and yet you're using Firefox, this is something you're going to take note of in the future. Firefox version 42 will have its own tracking protection that does the same way as Ghostery and Privacy Badger do. However, that protection feature is for Private Browsing mode and not the normal mode so you'll need those security addons for whichever web browser you're using.
Unfortunately, having too much of security protection applied to the browser may sacrifice the functionality, reliability and performance of the browser and networking on your device. Some of the websites are misbehaving on you like idiotic sites with those security addons on or perhaps on the third-party web browsers as if the same sites work better on the first-party ones.
It's like the tech giants have HALF the amount of RESPECT and SUPPORT for privacy related technologies like they want to sacrifice the other half for advertisements for earning money and therefore, the reputation over privacy respecting is half-assed. But making the privacy reputation too positive is not easy and may break the functionality, reliability and performance of the device like it already happened with IOS 8 and Android 5.0 that the law enforcement agencies already had the suspicions about improved security that would allow the criminals to use those technologies unnoticed. Also, another downside is the price of the devices containing that same amount of security and it may be hard to buy one of them from the retail store as well as the fact that they won't come with default services you already know of. It may be a waste like you don't know what those alternative technologies in software are all about but what about the ones on the hardware side.
Unfortunately, some of the addons can render the browser unusable like it already happened to Android version of the browser on my Android device and I may need to find a way to start over. Maybe reinstalling it should be able to help in case of the above trouble I have so that you should can find which culprit was behind that and that you should be careful for the desktop version as well.