Don't worry or rant like that, the video from College Humor about this blackmail thing from Google is more of the parody video. It's about Google trying to blackmail the fuck out of you to use Google Plus or they will advertise all the private shit of yours to some commercials or maybe the cyber spying agencies as mentioned above. Speaking of this fictional evil motive from Google, they will try to find anything inappropriate and show that off to the internet and those bad cyber spying agencies so that your future ends here.
What a nice move from College Humor for bashing on Google like that but the one I'm gonna bash on nowadays will be Google Plus for sure! Sure, it took College Humor like days to weeks to make such an interesting bashing video like that and we may somewhat encourage Microsoft to watch that freaking video.
Unfortunately, blogging about this on my Blogger blog is somewhat inappropriate as if Google will know what am I blogging. What if they think I've betrayed them like that like a rebel? Will my Google account be gone along with all my YouTube videos entirely from this? To make this bashing backfire however, it seems that all the bullshits I have mentioned here have to be removed because they have already pissed off the users that the users may end up ditching the Google services in favor of the others.